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past and upcoming events


event no#event titleevent datestartups presenting/
1Web Conference #1 15.05.2013AladdinMannheim Business Angels
2Web Conference #222.05.2013Neurologic, WhoArtYouMannheim Business Angels
3Business Angels Conference Mannheim06.07.201310 startup-presentationsMannheim Business Angels
4Web Conference #304.11.2013GlimBox, PreventlyKeynote by Prof. Dr. Kuester (University of Mannheim)Mannheim Business Angels
5Web Conference #424.03.2014LeLoox, RhemNet, Review Glimbox, PreventlyMannheim Business Angels
6Web Conference #523.06.2014EZBike, PlayEnable, BCB Biometric Credit BuroKeynote by Dr. Alexander von Frankenberg (managing director HighTechGruenderFonds)Mannheim Business Angels
7Angels Tour #1 Berlin02.07.-04.07.201460 contacts in three daysMannheim Business Angels
8Get-Together #1 Berlin03.07.2014Café am neuen SeeMannheim Business Angels
9Get-Together #2 Mannheim12.07.2014EZBike, Stiefelwunder, MentorLaneMannheim Business Angels
10Presentation at Goethe-Incubator / University of Frankfurt15.08.2014presentation at Goethe-Incubator / University of FrankfurtAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)
Frunch/Unibator - University of Frankfurt
11BAND expert forum Berlin18.09.2014Expert Forum by German Association of Angel Networks (BAND e.V.)Alexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)
12Web Conference #606.10.2014Faial Ecolodge, Arthena, NineBuyNineMannheim Business Angels
13Web Conference #710.11.2014Chiffry, CareerFoundry, BriefCase BiotecMannheim Business Angels
14Get-Together #3 Berlin14.11.2014Impact Hub BerlinMannheim Business Angels
15Guest Lecture University of Mannheim27.11.2014Guest Lecture on "Entrepreneurship - Seed/SME-finance" at University of MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)MCEI/University of Mannheim
16Get-Together #4
28.11.2014on invitation of Colibri at CNIT/La DefenseThierry Logiest, Alexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)
Colibri Delivery
17Workshop Essec CNIT/LaDefense Paris29.11.2014on invitation of the Essec-Mannheim Executive MBA alumni associationAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)
Essec-Mannheim Executive MBA alumni association
18Jury-participation University of Mannheim09.12.2014University of Mannheim, student-startup presentationsAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)
MCEI/University of Mannheim
19presentation at Mannheim-Tongji-eMBA class of 201614.05.2015MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)
MBS/University of Mannheim
20panel-speaker / jury-member at OuiShareFest 201522.05.2015ParisAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)
OuiShare Paris
21presentation at MBS parttime MBA-class of 201524.06.2015MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)
MBS/University of Mannheim
22Web Conference #829.06.2015Klar+, Darfin, YourLoveBox, ColibriDeliveryMannheim Business Angels
23Angels-Tour Rhine-Neckar11.07.2015Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Heidelberg, WalldorfMannheim Business Angels
24Angel Summit Europe in Madrid20.07.2015MadridAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)Startup Angels
25Jury-participation GreenAthon-Hackathon FashionTech Week Paris20.09.2015ParisAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)FashionTech Week Paris / WAIR
26Angels Get-Together Paris21.09.2015ParisMannheim Business Angels
27Angels Get-Together Frankfurt16.10.2015FrankfurtMannheim Business Angels
28Angels Get-Together London20.10.2015LondonMannheim Business Angels
29Guest Lecture University of Mannheim26.11.2015Guest Lecture on "Entrepreneurship - Seed/SME-finance" at University of MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)MCEI/University of Mannheim
30Jury-participation University of Mannheim04.12.2015University of Mannheim, student-startup presentationsAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)MCEI/University of Mannheim
31visit at ESSEC Ventures Paris18.01.2016ParisJulien Morel (Executive Director Essec Ventures), Alexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)Essec Ventures/Mannheim Business Angels
32presentation at Thinc! e.V.20.02.2016MannheimThinc! e.V.
33presentation at MBS parttime MBA-class of 201608.03.2016MannheimMBS/University of Mannheim
34presentation at MBS parttime MBA-class of 201715.03.2016MannheimPeter Grouev (Mannheim Business Angels)MBS/University of Mannheim
35presentation at Business Angels Congress Baden-Württemberg 201612.07.2016MannheimMafinex Gründerverbund Rhein-Neckar e.V.
36Guest Lecture University of Mannheim10.11.2016Guest Lecture on "Entrepreneurship - Seed/SME-finance" at University of MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)MCEI/University of Mannheim
37networking-/information session "Angels & Entrepreneurs"26.11.2016MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels), Saif Qazi (Urban Point)MBS
38Jury-participation University of Mannheim02.12.2016MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)MCEI/University of Mannheim
39Jury-participation Q-Summit Pitch-Battle19.04.2017MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)Q-Summit e.V.
40Participation Q-Summit Investor-Speeddating20.04.2017MannheimAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)Q-Summit e.V.
41Jury-participation Startup-Summit Suedwest
19.08.2017KaiserslauternAlexander Ernst (Mannheim Business Angels)Startup Westpfalz e.V. / SAR.Factory

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