Tag: Event

Angels Tour #2 Rhine – Neckar 2015 Saturday the 11th of July 2015 – Celebrating the 2 nd birthday of our angels network !

following up on our Angels-Tour two weeks ago, where we explored part of the ecosystem in Mannheim/Heidelberg/Ludwigshafen and Walldorf, you will find the final-event brochure at http://mannheim-business-angels.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/MannheimBusinessAngels_AngelsTourRhineMainNeckar_Brochure.pdf In addition, pictures of the Angels-Tour have been uploaded on our Facebook-page and are available at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.387011684833178  

Major Entrepreneurial event at ESSEC on 3rd June 18h00 to 22h30

IMPACT NIGHT réunit la communauté entrepreneuriale de l’ESSEC, ses partenaires et tous les entrepreneurs qui souhaitent partager innovation, expertise et savoir-faire dans une ambiance 100% networking. http://www.impact-night.essec.edu/